Me And Abimbola – Season 2 Episode 12

Read The Story
☆☆School dismissed around 3:30pm. I got home around 4:15pm with the thought of what my madam told me flowing through my mind and all my vains. *** how will I be going to church with this woman. Must it be church?, why did I even come to school today?,***.

I took the DSTV remote control to watch football but the thought of my madam wasn’t making the football interesting to me. I decided to go and visit Ttech in his place. I picked my phone, dialed Ttech number…

 rely baba

 bro, am not fine

 how is it doing you?

are you at home I want to come over?

 yes, hope no problem..

 when I get there we will talk.
I entered bathroom immediately, took my shower and got dressed. I board a bike to tunji place. On getting there, I met Ttech outside the balcony..

(exchanging hand shake) how far bro, this one wey you dey outside. Kilode Gan.

 no problem…

(looked at the door, I saw one Pam slippers and a girl shoe… I knew the Pam belongs to AY but I wasn’t sure of it) who con dey inside?

Ttech: who again, if not AY and that his other yellow babe…

Me: so AY have not sack this girl. What are they doing?

Ttech: what else will they be doing that made me stay outside …

 nawaa ooo… See my J0yst!ck is already resurrecting…

 Call Abimbola nah

 that’s not my problem now… Is my Madam ooo, that woman is dam serious..Me and Ttech gisted about my madam till around 5:38pm when AY and his girl came out of the room looking tired. *** AY might have gone marathon race on top this girl***.

All of gisted and laughed together before we decided to part away. We hugged each and wave for our selves hoping to see each other the next day. I got home around 7pm. I started preparing dinner for my uncle since I don’t have any one to do that for me. I was about putting the semolina inside hot water when my phone rang. I checked the caller and it was Abimbola.

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 hello love

 hi baby, I haven’t had from you since, so I decided to call…

 am really sorry, I know I supposed to call at least to check on you.

 that’s no problem.. I want to come and see you tomorrow..

Me: (*** on hearing that, my J0yst!ck signalled me***) eeehn…..what time..

 around 1:pm

( ***afternoon!! Well afternoon own is always hot***) is alright..

We had I little more conversation before she hanged up the call. I checked my calendar immediately (*** hmm tomorrow is Saturday, which means I had to finish clean up before she comes then next tomorrow is for my madam***).I went back on what I was doing before I was Interupted by Abimbolas call. I got true with all I was doing around 10pm and I was tired to play my game. I decided to rest a little bit then play game before going to bed.
I woked up by the Muslim prayers…Allahallakubaka…!! ***agggh is already morning. I guess I dozed off when I wanted to rest. Anyway I thank God am alive to see another new day.I started doing my work so I can finish it before Abimbola comes. But it seems my uncle is not going out today. *** what is this man still doing at home nah, is not going to work… Don’t come and spoil my show today oooo please***. I was busy praying inside my mind. It was as if God answered my prayer.. Around 12:54pm, I saw my uncle on short nikka going out.*** thank god at last I can move on with my show***. I went inside my room, arrange my bedsheet and other things needed to be arranged, I sprayed my perfume both in the room and in the parlor. I was very very happy that my uncle has gone out. Five minutes later, I had a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting any other person than Abimbola. I arranged my shirt coller and use my hand to clean my face. I headed straight to the door. Behold immediately I opened the door, I saw my uncle standing in front of me. He went to go and buy recharge card. My mood changed immediately.. I wasn’t happy anymore because he has ruin my day.

READ ALSO  Me And Abimbola Episode 13

 this one perfume is smelling everywhere, what is happening

 I just finished cleaning so I want everywhere to have a nice smell

 that’s good
I went inside to call Abimbola to inform her about my uncles presence. She was a bit angry but there is nothing we can do. So we had to forget about seeing. I spent all my day reading my Nuclear physics and solving Integration.
It was Sunday morning… I went to church but I was so conscious of time so I can go home. My madam thought was busy running through my mind even during preaching time.

I came back from church around 12:30pm, I cooked Sunday rice and stew. Believe me it was very delicious. After every thing, I checked my time it was 2:38pm and i am to go and meet my madam around 5:00pm. So I decided to sleep small to while away time. I woked up 28 minutes past 4. I had to rush and take my shower. I got to my school around 3 minutes past 5. I stood in front of the school as she instructed. Not less than 10 minutes later I saw someone inside pathfinder car waving hand for me across the express road. I looked closely and I noticed it was my madam so I crossed over to meet her.

 Good evening ma

 how are you rely

Me: am fine ma and you..

Madam: am good. Are you ready

Me: yes ma..but I don’t have bible with me.

Madam:[/b] is alright, don’t worry about that
I popped inside the car and she did U turn and face the road going to Ikeja..i decided to bring my phone from my pocket when my eyes went straight to her exposed fresh laps…

Immediately my J0yst!ck did Chinese get up….

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