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Durban – President Jacob Zuma’s eldest son Edward Zuma on Tuesday denied reports that chaos broke out in an ANC Nkandla branch meeting where he was standing for branch chairperson.

“I would wish to dispel any and deny any involvement of myself in causing any harm to the African National Congress and further affirm my unwavering commitment to the cause of this glorious movement,” Zuma said in a statement.

The Sunday Tribune on Sunday reported that Zuma’s alleged bid for branch chairperson was prevented after the meeting ended abruptly when chaos erupted.

This was allegedly after Zuma’s supporters and those backing an opposing candidate, Doctor Bhengu, sang derogatory songs aimed at each other.

While Zuma did not deny his candidacy as chairperson, he disagreed that the meeting ended in chaos.

Formal complaint

“As far as I am concerned there was never any person that misbehaved during the said meeting but a normal process was unfolding,” he said.

Zuma said it was the people conducting the meeting who lost their tempers and not the branch members.

“What I however could say is minimal as I have formally made or written a complaint to the ANC and would love to respect that particular process to unfold as a disciplined cadre or member of the ANC,” he said.

At least 90% of delegates attending the ANC’s national conference in December, where the party’s next president will be elected, are elected from branches.

If Zuma is elected branch chairperson he will most likely attend the conference on behalf of the branch.

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