10 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know

When it comes to fashion and style, it sometimes seems that everyone have
tried-and-true tips and tricks; some are useful, while others … well, not so much.
With these tips, you will be well on your way to living your most stylish life –

1. Use white wine to remove red wine stains.

2. Wash new jeans twice before taking them to the tailor. Why? Because jeans will always shrink in length when washed.

3. Remove white deodorant marks from a
garment by gently rubbing the protective foam used on hangers against the fabric.

4. If you get an oil stain on your favourite handbag, coat the mark with baby powder and let it stand overnight. By morning, the stain should be gone. If a bit still remains, repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.

5. The best at-home method to keep diamonds sparkling: liquid dishwasher detergent and an old toothbrush.

6. The secret to well-fitting everyday clothes is Lycra. The formulas to look for: 95% cotton/5% Lycra spandex for T-shirts, and at least 2% Lycra for jeans to hold their shape.

7. Always organise your clothes going light to dark from left to right in your closet. Your eye will follow the colour and thus help you stay organised.

8. If you don’t have time to try on jeans in the store, try the Neck Method: You can determine your size by placing the waistline of the jeans around the diameter of your neck. If the waistline of the pant comfortably meets at back of your neck, then the jeans will fit.

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9. Cut down your closet by 25% by asking yourself this one question: “If I were shopping right this second, would I buy this?” If the answer’s no, out it goes.

10. Never put your swim wear in the washing
machine, and always hand dry. The machine will damage the suit and it will lose its elasticity.

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